Cementerio de la Recoleta. I had the opportunity to be there during December 2017. I remember being there many moons ago when I visited as a child during an elementary school field trip. There’s a lot of history on that place with several tombs for notable people.
This cemetery is located in one of the most prestigious neigborhoods in Buenos Aires. It’s a very much happening town. One of the images below is from a cafe across the street from the main cemetery entrance.
I used a Fujifilm x100f. all images below are jpgs out of the camera, maybe minor edits for exposure adjustments but that’s it. Classic chrome in all images. I thought about doing it in black and white. And maybe it would have worked better for a cemetery. But it was a nice day out and the sky was bright so I figured the color photos would accentuate the beautiful sky of a beautiful day more so than the black and white would have.

Sos un groso, Leo! Estuve ahi el anio pasado por primera vez y me pego fuerte, pero ver como capturaste la esencia de este lugar tan especial en este momento es totalmente magico.
Gracias por la visita! Estamos empezando y a ver hasta donde llegamos!