The Wave. An ancient & colorful rock formation located on the slopes of Coyote Buttes – land administered by the BLM and accessible only via a lottery permit system. I have been consistently trying to get a permit every months for over two years, including twice in person. One time being unsuccessful, and the other time during the December 2018 federal shutdown. You can see some of the images from other alternate places we visited in the Kanab area here.
The Wave is located about a 45-minute drive southeast of the town of Kanab. We started our drive early before sunrise on the day of the hike to attend the orientation held at the Kanab visitor center. We made our way to the trailhead and started our hike. Except for the very first part of the hike – where we walk along a wash – the rest of the hike is through an area where there really isn’t a well defined trail. The hike in itself is not that difficult. It’s only about 3.5 miles one way.
Right before arriving and entering the Wave we started to notice the typical rock formations and amazing texture of the rocks that make the Wave such an amazing sight.

Below are the series of photos taken during the time we spent at The Wave, breaking for lunch, walking around, and taking in the views:

And finally, after enjoying some time at the Wave, we started walking back to the car in the late afternoon with the ultimate goal of making it back to the car before sundown. And we did.